CourseKata for High School

CourseKata’s Statistics & Data Science Textbooks for High School

Depending on your students’ level of statistical knowledge and the classes that you teach, we’ve created three versions of the Statistics & Data Science online textbooks to suit your needs.

A Modern Approach

CourseKata takes a modern approach that emphasizes modeling, making connections, and computational thinking to help students build in-demand skills and knowledge.

Interactive Exercises

Embedded interactive exercises and formative assessment questions generate detailed data related to students' learning over time for instructors and for researchers to make incremental improvements to the books.

Real-Life Application

Each textbook includes a gentle introduction to “R” — a coding language that is used in the real world by statisticians and data scientists. Teachers and students alike find this approach accessible and powerful.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Our interdisciplinary approach gives all students a chance to re-engage with math and learn new statistics concepts from the ground up, while building a foundation for future learning.

Three Versions of the CourseKata Textbook for a Range of Teaching Needs

From introductions to the coding language R and basic statistical models, to inferential and multivariate content, we have a book to fit your class. Explore the versions below and read about their differences.

Download a mapping of traditional statistics topics and where they are covered in CourseKata.

Book 1

Statistics & Data Science I

Includes CourseKata's gentle introduction to R, data visualization and descriptive statistics, and basics of statistical modeling (e.g., one-way ANOVA and simple regression).

It can be used as a 3rd- or 4th-year math course, “on-level” statistics, or data science course.

Book 2

Statistics & Data Science II

Designed as a second-year follow up to the first course, including a review of concepts from the first course, an approach to inferential statistics grounded in simulation, randomization, and bootstrapping, and extensions to multivariate modeling.

Book 3

Advanced Statistics & Data Science I

Includes CourseKata's gentle introduction to R, data visualization and descriptive statistics, basics of statistical modeling (e.g., one-way ANOVA and simple regression), and an approach to inferential statistics grounded in simulation, randomization, and bootstrapping.

It combines much of the two-year sequence of topics into a single book.

Book 4

Algebra + Data Science (Beta)

Analyzing data is one of the best motivations for learning algebra. Designed as a supplement to the algebra I or II curriculum, students learn basic concepts of coding, statistics, and modeling while strengthening their understanding of algebraic functions.

Statistics & Data Science I
Book 1

Statistics & Data Science I

Includes CourseKata's gentle introduction to R, data visualization and descriptive statistics, and basics of statistical modeling (e.g., one-way ANOVA and simple regression).

It can be used as a 3rd- or 4th-year math course, “on-level” statistics, or data science course.

Statistics & Data Science II
Book 2

Statistics & Data Science II

Designed as a second-year follow up to the first course, including a review of concepts from the first course, an approach to inferential statistics grounded in simulation, randomization, and bootstrapping, and extensions to multivariate modeling.

Advanced Statistics & Data Science I
Book 3

Advanced Statistics & Data Science I

Includes CourseKata's gentle introduction to R, data visualization and descriptive statistics, basics of statistical modeling (e.g., one-way ANOVA and simple regression), and an approach to inferential statistics grounded in simulation, randomization, and bootstrapping.

It combines much of the two-year sequence of topics into a single book.

Algebra + Data Science (Beta)
Book 4

Algebra + Data Science (Beta)

Analyzing data is one of the best motivations for learning algebra. Designed as a supplement to the algebra I or II curriculum, students learn basic concepts of coding, statistics, and modeling while strengthening their understanding of algebraic functions.

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